But I’m out—out of there, and out of the closet, though it took me years to come to terms with it, even here, even now. To be completely honest, sometimes, I still feel the urge to hide that part of myself, turn it around as if it were a framed photograph on the wall of my old apartment.
Freshman year, on my way home from the hair salon, meeting eyes with an ex-classmate (read: ex-bully). He looks at me from across the street and shouts: “What the FUCK did you do with your hair?” My hair is blue. I tell him to fuck off and leave, feeling like the most badass person I’ve ever met and like the scum of the earth, all at the same time.
5 poets to know
I’ve been keeping track of my favorite poems and poets, making this article far less difficult to write. Of course, narrowing my list down to five was a cruel and haunting task, but I got through it. Without further ado… Five Poets to Know and Read
How The Year’s End Became My New Beginning
His work was in the street culture industry, so his typical pastime involved smoking weed, doing graffiti, and listening to Russian rap. Being with him made me realize that even as a person ages, they don’t have to lose the often reckless vitality of youth.
Still Life with Diane Seuss
Art has become synonymous with culture and taste, concepts that seem inherently white, inherently rich, inherently “proper” in every way. Through the telling of her own experiences of homelessness, assault, and abuse, Diane shows that anything can be art—from the streets to the palaces to everything in-between.