Shifting Dependencies
“Shifting dependencies is a reflection on how cruel it can be when you no longer need someone. When things are vivid and intense, sometimes it can be hard to tread along on your own, but when things are soft and pale, it’s easy to hold yourself up. But this doesn’t mean you should. It doesn’t mean I should. The first piece is titled “I Feel Heavy”, and the second piece is titled “You’re Holding Me Down.” Both titles are meant to supplement the text featured on their respective piece.”
— Ari En-il Kim on “Shifting Dependencies”
Ari is a multi-media experimenter based in San Francisco. She received an Honours Bachelor's of Arts from the University of Toronto, with a double major in English and Cinema Studies. Currently she is a law student exploring environmental policy and human-computer interaction, but is mostly just figuring life out. The intersection between nature and the personal are common themes throughout her art.