By The Water

This is a three part series made up of photos I’ve taken this summer, appropriately, I’ve named it “Michigan Summer, 2020” to document what these past few months have looked like. Aside from sitting at home and wearing a mask every time I go anywhere, I’ve spent time enjoying the small things my state has to offer. Like what I can capture on camera. Part 1 in this series is entitled: “By the Water,” pt. 2 is: “Rural Michigan,” and pt. 3: “Summer Haze.” I’ve enjoyed this quiet, laid back summer more than I anticipated. I enjoy the little things.

Ian Pricer on “Michigan Summer”

Ian Pricer is an aspiring writer from Michigan. Their time is often spent pouring creative energy into personal activities, such as photography, painting, and many writing projects. She hopes to develop a career in film as a screenwriter/director, as her goal is to tell stories and communicate with people through her work. You can find her on Instagram @sweetnuthn


Rural Michigan by Ian Pricer


Heaven in Hell